The traditional way of advertising a property for sale is through a “For Sale” sign on the lawn. While this method still has its place, it’s no longer as effective as it once was.
In today’s world, most people are looking at their smartphones and tablets to find out about new listings, rather than reading classified ads or driving around town checking out properties that have been put up on the For Sale signs in yards and along roadsides.
One of the most popular tools used by real estate agents these days is called Just Sold Postcards: postcards with pictures and information about properties that have recently been sold in your area. This article will show you how Just Sold Postcard can help you obtain new listing clients.
What Is A Just Sold Postcard?
Just Sold Postcards display real estate listing information on the front of the card and a picture of the property on the back. These cards are used as a tool by real estate agents to advertise recently sold properties in their area and generate interest from potential home buyers, who can then check out these properties with their brokerage.
Some real estate companies require agents to use Just Sold Postcards, while others may recommend them or provide the cards at no cost.
How Do Real Estate Postcards Help You Obtain New Clients?

Just Sold Postcards are an excellent way for real estate agents specializing in selling property in specific areas to advertise their services. The card is sent out with the name and contact information of the agent who sold the property, along with the address where the house was located and a picture of it.
This is extremely useful because most people who may be interested in selling their home in an area usually don’t stay informed on the potential value of their home until they are ready to sell. Marketing postcards makes it easy to stay in front of prospective sellers
The postcard acts as a reminder to these potential home sellers and provides them with a direct line of communication where they can contact you for help finding their next property.
In addition to advertising your services directly, a Just Sold Postcard is also one of the most effective ways to generate leads for a home buying service. These cards are sent to the homeowner who sold the house and other people in that area who might be interested in moving up or downsizing into a new place.
Sending out just sold postcards is a great way to get your name and contact information directly in front of people who would require the services of a real estate agent, and it’s much easier for them to remember you when they’re ready to sell the property because someone has already referred you to them.
How Do Just Sold Postcards Work?
Just Sold Postcards can be sent both directly through your brokerage (if they offer the service) as well as through direct mail companies that specialize in real estate postcards, such as Wise Pelican.
These companies specialize in designing Just Sold Postcards to suit your specific brokerage or real estate agency, and they will work with you to create a design that best reflects the image of your company.
They can also help you choose layouts for postcards so you can send out as many as possible to different areas without worrying about wasting money on sending out cards that don’t get attention.
What Gets Included on a Just Sold Postcard?

Final Closing Price of the Home
This is the most critical piece of information on your postcard. It informs potential home sellers of what price range they could potentially receive for their home in the neighborhood.
Call to Action

The message you put on your Just Sold Postcard should be brief and motivating. People don’t have the time or interest to read a lot of text, so keep it clear and concise.
A good Just Sold Postcard example is a quick and straightforward way to communicate the benefits of working with you. It allows you to use printed material to speak directly to those who can benefit from your services.
Address and Photos of the Home
The final two pieces of information your Just Sold Postcard should contain are the house’s address and a great picture of it. People love to see photos of homes they’re interested in, and including the address means that they can easily find out more about this particular property if they’re interested.
Agent’s Photo and Contact Info

You’ll want to include the final piece of information in your contact information – either your website address, email address or phone number. Your photo can be included on the card as well if you’d like – Just Sold Postcard offers a custom layout option that will allow you to upload an image and place it anywhere you’d like on the postcard so that it will stand out to your audience.
Just Sold Postcards are an excellent way for real estate agents and brokers who work with buyers to generate leads and provide existing clients with a reminder of how awesome you are.
They’re inexpensive when ordered in bulk, easy to design, and they beautifully display the most critical pieces of information for your audience. When you send postcards, remember to choose an agency-specific design so they’ll stand out.
When to Send Just Sold Postcards
To make the most of your Just Sold Postcard, you’ll want to send it as soon as possible following the closing of the sale. You can also use them as a follow-up technique to get more business from past clients who may not have been ready to work with you when they first came in contact with your agency.
Just Sold Postcards are a great way to advertise your services as a real estate agent, and they can also be used effectively to generate new leads for your home buying service. You can also use your postcards to supplement other lead generation methods like social media, seminars, and print media.