Rick Scott J Cooper Florida Ice Scholarship is a program set up by a private organization known as Scott Josh Cooper Florida Ice, in which scholarships are given to students who want to continue their further studies in liberal arts programs from some post-secondary institution or USA accredited college.
Scott Josh Cooper Florida Ice is a not-for-profit organization that is trying to fight against the Florida Senate Bill 86. This bill gives powers to understudies to go for a position that can assist with direct business employment and increase the competition to meet all requirements for the scholarship programs and could bring about qualification prerequisites too.
According to this organization, the bill is aimed to lead the learners to opt only for specific subjects and create burden for the other career choices. It also brings various changes in the eligibility requirement for the scholarships offered in Florida. Scott Josh Cooper Florida Ice works to overcome the barrier created by this bill.
If you are not aware of this program, then worry not. In this article, we have tried our level best to explain everything about this scholarship. Let us check some more points related to this non-profitable scholarship program.

The main objective of this scholarship program is to promote education amongst the students. It also aims to create awareness about the protection of the students and to facilitate better plans for their future both at the state and the national level. The agenda behind the commencement of this program is that education is the fundamental right of every child. It mainly focuses on the well-being of students and the enhancement of the state-Florida.

The vision of the association is to bring mindfulness among the understudies and just as legislators to trigger activity on basic schooling issues. Scott Cooper Miami Florida Ice began to examine difficulties faced by various students, advancing the nature of training and state government assistance programs related to it.
It advances training through its grant programs and with an objective to set up strategies that can work for a supportable schooling model over the long haul that can assist legislators with browsing the best accessible data or choices.
Scholarship and its first winner:

Under this scholarship program students are offered about 1000 dollars for creating some amazing lip-syncing videos on their official website. After that, the video is posted on YouTube as well for people to vote and select the best out of them to win the scholarship amount.
The first student who got this reward for creating the best lip sync video is Arielle Brown. She performed lip-syncing on a famous song “U Can’t touch this”, which was produced and sung by a famous artist MC Hammer in 1990. MC Hammer was an ideal for Arielle’s father and therefore, she grew up listening to his songs. She worked hard and took about seven days to practice the verses before actually posting the video on the website.